Call Now  +34 810 10 11 77

It can be so frustrating spending time on tasks that don´t always make a direct contribution to your business.

Collecting and taking papers to and from your Asesor´s office, just to find out when and how much tax you have to pay.

And nothing else...

Doing business in Spain probably is different from your native country, however the needs of a business or entrepreneur are the same everywhere.

Choose the Easy Way

English - Deutsch - Norsk - Nederlands - Français - Español

We are tax, accounting, legal, labour, marketing and IT consultants 

We put the technology of large firms at the service of your business.

We speak your language, understand your culture and your way of doing things. That is why our Lawyers, Economists and Consultants have been helping people like you for more than 20 years. 

Choose The Easy Way

Think of why you keep paying for a service that doesn´t  help your business.

It’s called Fear

Think that you can change your situation now, in two minutes.

It’s called Safety

What we offer you?

Discover another way to visualize, understand and grow your business

It’s called Innovation

Explore how we present your business data here

Easy Balance, an easier and more intuitive way to see and analyze your business. Powered by Power BI

Financial statements are outdated, incomprehensible and static reports. 9 out of 10 small business owners do not use their advisor’s accounting to see and analyze their business. Financial dashboards are the easiest, most dynamic and useful way to see and analyze your company. From anywhere and at any time you will have all the information you need at hand.

Call Now 810 10 11 77

All you need is "All in One..."


Easy to change, easy to start

We take care of everything

Call us and have a meeting
Give us your autorization
Lets start!

Do you know why our customers do a little dance when they see one of our agents?

Neither do we, but here are some of their testimonials

"Jeg ville aldri signert en kontrakt i Spania uten at du har lest den før"
Ashli Linn
"It is fantastic to have someone who listens to me and helps me every time" thanks, thanks and thanks!
Elena Johnson
"Thank you Solve It Spain! without you I would never have been able to open my restaurant"
"Simply amazing. Solve it Spain is much more than a consultancy, they are true mentors who are always close to me, helping me to reach my goals"
Tyron Chitas
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+34 810 10 11 77

We're Open

9:00 AM - 17:00 PM

Visit Us

Avda de Tirajana, Edificio Mercurio Torre I 3ºE 35100 Las Palmas,